
At the core of our Christian faith is the gathering of the body of Christ in worship. Musicians, worship servants (readers, assisting ministers, communion assistants, etc.), the creative worship team, Director of Music Ministries and Pastor all work together to create an experience that helps us fully experience the divine.

Worship Servants

It takes a number of people to make worship run smoothly. At Trinity, we call these people worship servants. There are various roles which you can fill on a Sunday morning. They include: Greeters, Fellowship Hosts, Ushers, Acolytes, Assisting Minsters, Communion Assistants, Readers, Altar Guild, Media Technicians and Worship Aides. Training for each of these roles is available and all people are welcome and encouraged to try the different roles to see which fits you the best.



Music in worship is led by organ, piano, worship band, choir, handbells, and instrumentalists.

Visit Trinity’s Music Ministry page to learn about our various musical opportunities and how to get involved.

Creative Worship Team

The Creative Worship Team meets throughout the year to plan ways to enhance our worship time together. Their work can be seen in artistic installations throughout the worship space. They also plan special themes for worship as well as creative ways to celebrate the special Sundays throughout the year.


As a sacramental church, we believe that we meet God in many ways, but we are assured that in the sacraments God is truly present. Three things make a sacrament: it is commanded by God, has an earthly, visible means, and is a means by which we receive grace and forgiveness. We celebrate two sacraments in our Lutheran tradition: Baptism and Holy Communion. Every Sunday communion is served. Those wishing to be baptized meet with the pastors to set up their special day. Baptisms are celebrated in worship surrounded by the Body of Christ who promises to support the newly baptized in their journey of faith. In Baptism we are claimed as a child of God and enter into the Body of Christ. In Communion we are fed and nourished for our walk of life.
