Trinity Online Donations

TLC Adventure Preschool


Regular Offering

There are many ways individuals may share their resources for the ministry of Trinity. Unless otherwise designated, contributions made to Trinity are applied to the General Operating Budget. This supports our staff and funds the many programs and ministries available at Trinity.


Designated Offering

Trinity has many activities and programming. A designated gift may be made to any special program or activity. Additionally, Trinity is known for its outreach and support of many mission projects both locally and abroad. A designated gift can be made through Trinity to these organizations. Examples of places that receive our designated gifts include: Alpha House, CROP Walk, ELCA Disaster Relief, Habitat For Humanity, Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice (ICPJ), Samaritas, Phebe Hospital and World Hunger Offering.


Memorials, Bequests and Gifts

Memorial contributions can provide a lasting memorial for a friend, relative or loved one. Your will or trust can designate (bequest) that a specific amount be transferred as a gift to Trinity. Individuals may also make a donation and have the joy of seeing their generous contribution put to good use. Donations can be in the form of cash or property (stocks, bonds or real estate) in support of overall ministry or designated for a specific use. Please check with your financial adviser regarding the tax benefits of such gifts. Questions? Call the church office at 734-662-4419.