10:00 am Worship

Trinity currently offers one Sunday in-person worship option at 10:00 am. Trinity’s Sunday worship combines elements of traditional and modern worship and we follow a Lutheran liturgical structure with some flexibility. Music is led by organ, piano, worship band, choir, handbells, and instrumentalists. People of many generations join together in worship. Some people will wear suits and dresses, and others will come in jeans and t-shirts. Messaging is Gospel-based and ties into our current world today. All are welcome at Trinity and at Jesus’ table.

Online Worship

This service is also live-streamed each Sunday. Live streams and live stream recordings from past worship services are available on Trinity’s YouTube page.

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Thank you for worshiping with Trinity! We invite you to fill out the Digital Friendship Pad.

As always, we want to thank you for your generous support that makes God's work through Trinity possible.

Holy Communion

At the heart of our worship is the celebration of Holy Communion. It is at the table where we gather as a community–the body of Christ–to receive nourishment for the days ahead. The Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday. All who desire the forgiveness and grace received through the body and blood of Jesus are encouraged and welcome at the table. Let all, young and old, feast on this community meal together.
