Music Ministries

The Music Ministry Team at Trinity Lutheran Church is made up of dedicated staff and volunteers who strive to enhance the worship experience through the joy of music. Our organist, accompanists, cantors, and vocal and instrumental soloists and ensembles provide special music and support congregational singing in a wide variety of styles appropriate to each worship service. “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to [humans] that [they] should proclaim the Word of God through Music.”— Martin Luther.

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Sanctuary Choir

Trinity’s Sanctuary Choir sings about two times a month throughout the church year at our weekly Sunday worship service. The choir prepares SATB/SAB choral anthems of multiple styles throughout the year. All are welcome.

Sanctuary Choir rehearses from 7:30 - 8:30 pm on Wednesday evenings.

Festival Choir

The Festival Choir combines our weekly choir members with additional members of the congregation and community who enjoy singing with the choir on special occasions. This choir sings at special worship services and also prepares seasonal cantatas for Advent and Holy Week with chamber orchestra.

Festival Choir rehearses from 7:30-8:30 on Wednesday evenings prior to special services and the two cantatas.


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Chancel Bells

Our bell choir rehearses weekly and participates in worship approximately once a month. Music reading and prior handbell experience is helpful, but not necessary. All are welcome to try a new skill!

Chancel Bells rehearses from 6:30-7:15 on Wednesday evenings.

Worship Music Leaders

These musicians and vocalists help bind our online and in-person worship communities together. They provide vocal and instrumental leadership to enhance worship and that goes directly to the live stream feed. These musicians have weekly preparation independently as well as weekly group preparation. A strong singing voice and/or proficiency at an instrument is needed to participate in this group. If interested please see Sarah Altenburg for more information on how to become a worship music leader at Trinity.

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Music Staff


Ken Simon, Interim Music Director

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Dolly Collins, Organist