At Trinity, we believe that passing on the faith from generation to generation is the work of parents and families in the home. Our job is to support and equip you along the way. Check out our Youth and Family ministries to get an idea of what we have to offer!

Sunday School

Every Sunday from 11:15 am - noon youth and families meet for educational enrichment. At 11:15 am children and parents and grandparents meet together at the Opening. During these 15 minutes we have a family education moment, celebrate birthdays and baptismal birthdays, share in occasional music or drumming, and share any announcements for the upcoming weeks. At 11:30am the kids are dismissed to their classes and the parents gather for their class. Our Sunday School classes consist of mixed age groups. The Beginners through second graders meet in the social hall and experience a rotational, station based class with story time, arts and crafts, a science experiment station, and biblical play. The third through sixth graders meet in the Youth Room and develop skills in using the Bible, grasping the biblical timeline, and understanding the lectionary. We have amazing, dedicated Sunday School teachers who guide the children on their faith journey from the youngest of ages.

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PATH- Parents and the Home (Parents’ Class)

From 11:15 am - noon Parents and Grandparents gather for a class. During this time parents share the highs and lows of loving our kids. A variety of topics are explored throughout the year. Parenting education is offered as well as other topics that relate to family life. This class becomes a place of great support and encouragement for the challenging task of parenting and grand-parenting our kids in today’s world.

Confirmation Classes

Seventh and Eighth graders make up the two-year Catechism program at Trinity. The group meets twice monthly for education and fellowship and twice yearly for retreat. During the two years of Catechism, kids develop strong relationships with their peers and adult guides. Students gain a deeper theological understanding of scripture and our Lutheran identity as well as explore how they can live out their faith in the world.

High School

High School youth gather about once a month for fellowship and faith formation. We have a “Dynamite” time playing games, eating together, sharing our highs and lows, and supporting each other during the busy and hectic high school years. Check out the events page for upcoming High School Youth Group Dynamite gatherings.



Seventh and Eighth grade students participate in Confirmation classes on Sunday mornings twice monthly. During the Fall of their ninth grade year, students confirm their faith on Reformation Sunday. It is a powerful day where youth affirm the promises of baptism and share the story of who they are and how they intend to continue their walk in the faith.
