Getting Married at Trinity

Getting married in the presence of family and friends and before God our creator is a big event and a huge milestone in your life. We love to celebrate weddings at Trinity and do our best to make it a memorable worship event for you, the couple. We were created to be in relationships and marriage is the most intimate of those relationships. Not only do we celebrate the big day, but we also help prepare you for the marriage ahead. Read below for details on weddings at Trinity.


Pre-Marital Counseling

Couples who are married at Trinity are required to participate in premarital counseling prior to the wedding. This is a very important step in creating a vital, happy and healthy marriage. Pre-marital counseling is offered by the pastors at Trinity Lutheran Church. We use the Prepare & Enrich program. You will be taking an online self-assessment and participate in at least two private pre-marital sessions. Topics that are covered include improving communication, handling conflict, dealing with expectations, and more. In addition, couples will also meet one additional time with the pastor who is officiating at their wedding in order to plan the ceremony.

Contact: Pastor Krister Ulmanis


Wedding Fees

Recognizing that members of the church staff are providing extra time and services for a wedding, it is suggested that the wedding party give the following gifts in recognition of and appreciation for their services rendered.

Organist: $250.00 plus $25.00 per soloist or instrumentalist
Other Musicians: $150.00 per instrumentalist or vocalist
Wedding Coordinator: $200.00

For non-members of Trinity Lutheran Church, the following fees also apply:
Use of Church Sanctuary: $400.00
Pastor’s Fee: $200.00
Use of Social Hall: $250.00 includes the use of the attached kitchen
Use of Lounge: $75.00 (as a reception area) includes the use of the attached kitchen


As soon as the pastor approves your date, please contact our Organist, Dolly Collins, to reserve the date on her calendar and arrange a meeting to discuss organ or special music. Dolly can also suggest soloists or other special music. Final approval on all music is left to the discretion of the Organist in consultation with the Pastor.

Contact: Dolly Collins

Additional Options

We are happy to work with you to make your wedding as personal as possible. We offer the following options for your consideration. Feel free to ask us about other options you are interested in.

Altar Flowers
You may order flowers for the flower stands directly from your florist. We have a variety of stand heights available.

Unity Candle
You are welcome to bring your own Unity Candle and candle holder. We have a floor stand holder available.

Wedding Bulletins
Wedding bulletin layout and printing services are offered to at no charge. You may either provide us with the 8½ x 11 printed-cover paper stock or we can provide the printed-cover paper stock (many styles in our inventory) for $20.00 per 100 count. We normally include the order of the ceremony and the names of the wedding party. You may also print directions to the reception, your new address after the marriage, etc. If you wish to have Trinity do your bulletins, please coordinate with Trinity staff.


  • Please bring your marriage license (both copies) to the church at the time of your rehearsal.

  • Please pay all fees no later than at the rehearsal.

  • The Coordinator’s fee should be a separate check for $200.00.

  • Other checks for the organist, instrumentalist or pastors should be made out directly to her or him.

  • If you select another organist to play for your wedding, you will need to have them meet with our Trinity Organist to acquaint them with our organ and its proper operation.

  • Please instruct your photographer not to take flash pictures once the ceremony has begun. They are welcome to use a flash during the processional and recessional. They may take natural light shots at any time, from the balcony, or in the sanctuary.

  • Your guests may throw birdseed outside only. No rice is allowed. Birdseed bags should be distributed as guests leave the building. Bubbles are allowed as another option.

  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the church without express permission.

  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere on our campus.

  • The “Bride’s Room” is at your disposal an hour and a half before your wedding. You may, of course, choose to dress at home.

All prices in this guide are subject to change.