Trinity is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Trinity is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. RIC congregations clearly state that they welcome people of all sexual orientation and gender identity.

TLC Adventure Preschool is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian school, sponsored by Trinity Lutheran Church.



Here you will find a safe place on life’s journey to connect with the spirit and work for justice and peace for ALL people.

We invite you to join us in worship, education, and mission, with the hope that you will feel at home in our courageous and compassionate community of faith.

Join Trinity In-Person

Worship is offered Sunday mornings at 10am in the sanctuary

Please note that, following CDC Guidelines, when community spread is low/medium, masks are optional and masks are required when high.

Join Trinity Online

Live stream of worship will be offered at 10am Sundays

Visit Trinity’s YouTube page to access the live stream and the archive of past worship videos.

Stay Up To Date

Sign up to receive news and updates from Trinity via email. And to gain access to digital programming including Zoom links.

Online Donations

As always, we want to thank you for your generous support that makes God's work through Trinity possible.

Get Involved

See opportunities and sign up to serve in worship and serve the community.